The need for out-of-core analysis tools¶
A practical need¶
oocgcm is a pure Python package built on the top of xarray and dask.
Most of the tools that are implemented in oocgcm are already available in several python libraries dedicated to the analysis of gridded data, and based on numpy and one of the several netCDF interfaces for python.
Why have we choosen to implement a diagnostic package based on xarray and dask ?
Numpy-based model diagnostic libraries are facing a challenge with the ongoing evolution of geoscientific models and earth observing networks. With the most high-end models being runs on several tens of thousand cores, even a two-dimensional slice of model output cannot be loaded in memory at one time. Model diagnostic tools and gridded data analysis tools should therefore be parallelized and run out-of-core.
One option is to run FORTRAN/MPI codes steered from shell scripts but there you loose the flexibility and the multiple benefits of a python-based workflow. Another option is to use one of the several libraries available for parallel computing in python. This usually implies a complete refactoring of your analysis package at the risk of eventually using different analysis tools depending on the size of your dataset...
A wider perspective¶
We believe that the above question is not a “technical” problem but a real challenge for our fields of research. We are here facing a “technical” translation of one of the “big data challenges” in earth system science.
Transforming large gridded datasets into scientific results indeed requires innovative descriptive approaches that merge statistical descriptions and physically-motivated analyses. This usually involves performing rather “complex” analysis tasks on the dataset.
In practice, this is usually a two stage process. A first stage involves transforming an idea into a prototype code. Using a interactive scripting language usually accelerates this phase because you can glue different bits of code and see the results on the fly.
The second stage involves transforming the prototype code into a production code. And this is usually a difficult task especially for students, because it requires a more in-depth understanding of the hardware infrastructure and of the software design.
So, depending on the language and on the libraries you use, what actually changes is not your ability to perform your analysis but rather the time it takes for you to prepare your production code and eventually reach the scientific result you are after.
More generally, there is an objective risk for our fields of research if we don’t embrace the question of the development of analysis tools that accelerate the idea-prototype-production-results cycle. If the time needed to transform an idea into an efficient production code is too long, we will keep performing only simple or routine analyses on our datasets, eventually missing the potential breakthrough of big-data in earth system sciences.