- oocgcm.core.grids.Tensor2d(axx, axy, ayx, ayy, xx_component_grid_location=None, xy_component_grid_location=None, yx_component_grid_location=None, yy_component_grid_location=None)¶
Minimal data structure for manupulating 2d tensors on a grid.
Parameters: axx : xarray.DataArray
xx-component of the tensor
axy : xarray.DataArray
xy-component of the tensor
ayx : xarray.DataArray
yx-component of the tensor
ayy : xarray.DataArray
yy-component of the tensor
xx_component_grid_location : str
string describing the grid location of the xx-component
xy_component_grid_location : str
string describing the grid location of the xy-component
yx_component_grid_location : str
string describing the grid location of the yx-component
yy_component_grid_location : str
string describing the grid location of the yy-component
Returns: o : namedtuple
namedtuple containing the tensor.
uses the following notations : .. math:
\mathbf{T} = egin{pmatrix} a_{xx} & a_{xy} \ a_{yv} & a_{yy} \end{pmatrix}